Getting in after UCLA rejection?

<p>I got waitlisted->rejected at UCLA but accepted to Berkeley CS which is by the way the #1 CS program in the nation. But it might be different since I applied to College of L&S instead of COE. Sometimes the UC adcom give you one or the other (UCLA/Berkeley) because they know you’re only going to one of those universities.</p>

<p>That brings hope… But just so you know MIT/Carnegie have the best CS programs, followed by Stanford, and then Berkeley</p>

Actually those are all ranked #1 this year.
@jesskidding I want to believe you but I doubt they communicate with one another on whether to take to same applicant. Where did you get the information?</p>

<p>UC Berkeley MSE here. I know the department very well, and the MSE department is TINY. MSE usually has a ton of ppl transferring out (and in, depending on the semester), and the overall MSE undergrad population is 50% transfer students. </p>

<p>Bioengineering in most schools is a very impacted major. UCB MSE is not (which is mostly because ppl don’t know the existence of “materials science & engineering” field. I didn’t when I came to college; I switched into the major). </p>

<p>Bottom line: you are definitely not “doomed” because you got rejected from UCLA. But Cal’s undergrad MSE is #2 in the nation so it’s also not a guaranteed shot. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone tomorrow!! I’m sure we’ll be fine wherever we end up. Berkeley or not!</p>

<p>Accepted MIT, Rejected UCLA. UCLA ridiculously selective for eng. this year.</p>

<p>Wow, congrats @Jwen556 - MIT is a crown jewel of engineering!</p>

<p>Results are out. Let us know how you did! </p>

<p>waitlisted…not acceptance but still, SUCK IT UCLA!</p>

<p>Accepted! Congratulations to all those who got in, and all the best to those who didn’t!</p>

<p>My daughter was accepted to UC Berkeley (Spring not Fall) after being rejected by UCLA so there is definitely hope! Good luck everyone! </p>

<p>@Keepyourshirton My condition is similar to yours, and my results are even WORSE. I was rejected by all TOP20 schools except waitlisted by Rice. I just can’t figure out why… I got 2350 on SAT and 2400 on SAT2, with a national first prize in computer programming, and I was rejected by Berkeley’s EECS. Students around me with 2200+SAT and no major awards got in, but only I got rejected… The best result for me now is UCLA with Computer Science and Engineering major.</p>

<p>@Rekozh I feel ya bro. It’s like the toughest year ever for programmers. I am still waiting on CMU and hopefully they will be nice and offer me a place. SCS is definitely programmer-friendly no matter what LOL.</p>

<p>My counselor says it’s possible that because people apply for many more colleges than they did, HYPS kids are going to get all of the acceptances and go to HYPS…leaving us to rot. </p>

<p>There is another theory, that is schools think you are so good that you could not possibly go, which results in waitlist as they try to save their yield…that is also probably why I don’t even have an acceptable safety! Now I hope CMU accepts me or I’ll be forced to play the waitlist/appeal game.</p>

<p>Stay strong, man! You are not in this alone.</p>