Getting in after UCLA rejection?

<p>So I applied for UCLA Bioeng and was straight up rejected (kinda butthurt, but i guess its for the best). do i still have a shot at berkeley Materials Science Engineering? I thought my stats were pretty on par and ec's were good for LA, and people were saying that it was a match, so does this rejection basically foreshadow a berkeley rejection?</p>

<p>Bioengineering is generally less impacted than materials science is, so you might have a better shot at Cal anyways. What are your stats? I thought I was on par for UCLA engineering until I got rejected too, just waiting on Thursday now.</p>

<p>@existentialfear. haha don’t you mean more impacted? yeah basically on the same boat as you! ive posted my stats like a million times so i’ll just copy and paste lol</p>

<p>SAT score is a 2120 (600cr740m780w), my
ACT is a 33 (36e34m30s30r33w) and 34 (35,34,31,34,33)
GPA is 3.8/4.38 (UW/fully W for UC). my b’s are in every semester of english (soph year it was honors, jr year it was uc approved honors)</p>

<p>Math 2- 790. Chem - 740. Bio M-790</p>

<p>took 1 ap as soph,4 as jr (highest in grade with 1 other guy) and took 10 overall (10-12) (2nd highest in grade)</p>

<p>bio,calc ab, chem, stats(i thought 2 maths as a jr was a good idea :/), ush (5,5,5,4,4). taking calc bc, phys b, macroecon, eng lit, gov.</p>

<p>Extra curricular wise I have a bunch of “regular stuff”: Varsity Swim 4 years, Captain. Varsity XC 2 years, Sectional Qualifier both years. Mock Trial Member (no room to mention), a bunch of tutoring at library and local elementary of underprivileged kids, soup kitchen charity stuff , year round club swim, jr lifeguarding. Math Club President. NHS, CSF</p>

<p>my more important EC’s are: Summer internship at Stanford Mechanical Engineering Department developing an inkjet printer that can print proteins. It’s pretty legit because im defined as a former lab group member. My work was extensive since it was almost a full length work day (9am-4pm) about 3-4 times a week for pretty much all of summer.</p>

<p>Summer Internship at U of Arizona Biomedical Engineering Department where I helped with a Ph.D’s project of analyzing the compatibility of human cells with the electrospun coatings on a stent. Ultimately led to a published Abstract.</p>

<p>my 1st essay was about how my visit to dad’s office, ap courses, and internships generated my interest in the field (talked about: failure is a teacher for engineering, confluence of different fields, importance of experience outside of school blah blah blah). 2nd essay is about how working at stanford helped me overcome my fear of public speaking/social anxiety.</p>

<p>I was straight up rejected at UCLA aerospace too, with a 36 on the ACT and all. Maybe the engineering school got a lot more highly-qualified applicants this year than usual. </p>

<p>It’s a pretty ominous precursor to Berkeley MechE on Thursday. Eh.</p>

<p>@coolkat123 I think you’ll be fine. Supposedly Berkeley has the most holistic application review process of all the UCs, and you have a lot of great ECs to counterbalance whatever flaws you might have in other parts of your application. </p>

<p>@jerryaeroastro Same here, rejected from UCLA CS with a 2350 SAT and decent gpa. Seems like the UCs are being particularly harsh this year.</p>

<p>You guys still have a chance! A couple of years ago, I was rejected from UCLA even with decent stats. I ended up getting into Berkeley :slight_smile: </p>

<p>I got accepted to Berkeley (I found out early because of Regent’s Scholarship) and rejected from UCLA yesterday. You still have a chance</p>

<p>Rejected from UCLA as well, and fretting about it for the SAME reason. I’ve heard that a quite a few UCLA rejects get into Cal - but then again, quite a few UCLA rejects get rejected from Cal too… :-SS</p>

<p>Looks like I’m in the same boat as you guys. Rejected from UCLA Mech Eng and awaiting Berkeley Mech Eng decisions this week as well, with 2100 SAT I, 800 for both Math 2 and Physics, as well as 5 Singapore GCE A Levels distinctions (I’m a Singaporean btw). Best of luck to everyone then!</p>

<p>I’ve heard from my friends, who actually got accepted to LA but not Cal, that Cal loves leadership and EC’s. So like what ExistentialFear said, I think you have a more than decent shot of getting into Cal!!! Good Luck :)</p>

LA also loves leaderships and ECs too! Both schools are “holistic.”</p>

<p>I had a friend who was rejected from UC Davis last year but got into UC Berkeley. It’s definitely possible. </p>

<p>I have the same fear guys. The major I applied for was Mathematical & Physical Sciences (Computer Science) and I was wondering if that was in the School of engineering or L&S</p>

<p>@coolkat123 good luck!</p>

<p>Just heard of a kid who got into UCSD, UCI, & UCLA but was rejected by UCSB. Definitely hard to predict.</p>


<p>I read the post wrong that I was commenting.</p>

<p>If this is any consolation:</p>

<p>I was accepted to UC Berkeley(regents) and wait listed at UCSD. </p>

<p>Same here, 2330 SAT 2390 SAT2 decent GPA and EC, and I got rejected at UCLA Arts and Sciences…</p>

<p>I know a UCLA alum who said they got the craziest applicant pool ever this year ( at least in China), so it shouldn’t foreshadow anything; it’s just an outlier.</p>

<p>But then I applied for Cal EECS…combined with the fact that most top schools waitlisted me and most top CS schools rejected me I am anxious.</p>

<p>@Keepyourshirton Similar situation with 35 ACT and 4.0/4.5 GPA…Got waitlisted to UCLA and Harvey Mudd in Computer Engineering…So hopes are not too high considering I chose EECS also. </p>

<p>@Novulux Actually I got rejected at Harvey Mudd…I honest do not understand what is going on this year. Perhaps the sheer number of applicants is making this a de facto gamble?</p>