<p>Yup, I agree about every high school having its own culture--mine just happens to be about 10 minutes down the road from Yale, so you can guess where everyone wants to go! Brown and Penn are also pretty popular (especially Penn), but virtually no one goes to the other Ivies: there is one senior at Harvard from my school, one freshman at Dartmouth, no one at Cornell, no one at Stanford, and no one at Princeton (the one person who was there just graduated). At the beginning, it bothered me a little, but now I just love Princeton too much to even care! :D</p>
<p>Well, this is much relieving to hear.
If I do get accpeted ED to Princeton, I will be the very first one from my school attending there.
My school is pretty old but nEVER EVER has sent one single student there :)</p>
<p>In our SoCal high school no one ever gets admitted to Yale. Harvard, Stanford, Princeton, and MIT -- yes. Yale -- no. Some have tried; all have failed.</p>
<p>I don't know why. For some reason our HS is just not on Yale's radar screen. I hope you have better luck with Princeton.</p>
<p>Oh wow..
Then, is it true that some Ivy league schools simply exclude students just because they are from certain schools?
Well, that sounds so harsh.
THen at least, can we say that what one school looks for in applicatants is that drastically different from another school?
Do you guys have any idea if HYPS have their certain "set" that they seek from their applicants?
Otherwise, these stories do not make sense.</p>
<p>I've heard of top colleges leaning toward students from certain top high schools like Phillips Exeter or Harvard Westlake, etc., but NEVER of them "blacklisting" a certain high school. That would go against the trend of making an Ivy League education accessible to all. If someone has what it takes to get into HSPM, the same should have a fair shot at Y, but in coureur's high school's case, it must be a fluke lasting many years. A friend of mine's D did not get into her state school, but got into Wellesley. Go figure.</p>
<p>zz - my D was also the very first one from her high school accepted to Princeton! In fact, she was the first from her high school to go to Ivy League. I had talked with a Princeton admin counselor about that concern and he reassured me that every year, they accept students from schools that have never ever sent any one to Princeton.</p>
<p>hey, i just had my interview yesterday, and i got the stats for orange county admits last year..</p>
<p>19 people got in (RD and ED combined), and there was a 10% acceptance rate overall. 5 out of 19 were early admits. so about 190 people applied last year from orange county. i don't know how many applied early though.</p>
<p>Thank you for sharing information.
That is A LOT of number still! 190 pep applying!!...
AND, 10% acceptance rate is pretty low, considering its average rate.....
AND, the fact that only 5 out of 19 were ED,,,,just amazes me and worries me big TIME! ;[</p>
<p>I actually joked to my friends back at home shortly after arriving at Princeton that it seemed like everyone I met here was from California, New York, or New Jersey. Californians litter the school ... by no means think Princeton doesn't want to let them in!</p>
<p>It is very reliving to hear that.</p>
<p>is it the same way for NJ ppl when they apply to stanford? =)</p>
<p>lol maybe it's similar to how everyone in Houston gets into Rice.
because just about every person in the top 10% applies to Rice, so more than likely quite a few of those get in.</p>
<p>Well, I know that Stanford very much favors Californians OR,, just that most of the applicants are Californians :)
EVERYONE in my school's top 10% apply there FOR SURE... ..SCARY competition.</p>