<p>I suddenly got this urge to go into the US Navy, just Friday evening of the 20th of this month March. The Saturday night, I went online to do some research both on the news weblink and on the academy's website. I noticed that they said that they take students as theycome out of high school.<br>
i live in the British Virgin Islands, located in the Caribbean east of Puerto Rico (history lessons, hmm) and going to college is pretty much what everyone does when they are finished with high school. I am 18 yrs of age, graduated high school in 2007 with honors, I am already in college and am soon at the end of my 2year tenure.
If anyone would be so gracious as to help me with information "So they accept transfer students, or do they just look at the high school diploma and transcripts?"</p>
<p>p.s dont bother looking at my profile, i hadn't written anything as yet</p>
<p>The military academies do not accept transfers, but you can apply at your age to enter as a First Year, and complete the whole 4 year program. (Which also requires 4 more years of active service plus 4 years reserve service in the Navy. More if you become an aviator.) Check online at their website to see if they will accept some of your credits.)</p>
<p>brandynbvi: Viable USNA candidates are US Citizens who have an immense desire to serve as a Naval officer as a career and have a tremendous amount of drive to serve the United States. An “urge” to join the Navy can be a beginning but it’s a huge commitment and you should do some serious research. Good luck to you</p>
<p>A requirement for all U.S. service academies is U.S. Citizenship. You also must have great grades, great scores, great extracurriculars, and great leadership. You must also be physically and medically qualified. You must also receive a congressional nomination, and only 3 nominees from the Virgin Islands may be in one academy at any time. </p>
<p>It is a long and tedious process. I do not know if there are any more spots for the Virgin Islands. I would contact an admissions adviser and explain your situation, and see if it would be possible.</p>
<p>There are TWO spots for USVI nominations from your “Delegate to the USVI”, like a US Senator or Representative Nomination. The Academies usually have upward of 30% of the incoming class with some college classes. More info is here [Service</a> Academy Admissions - Congressional Nomination](<a href=“http://www.toughestschoolsintheworld.com/Congressional_nomination.php]Service”>http://www.toughestschoolsintheworld.com/Congressional_nomination.php)
and at the bottom is another link to the exact requirements. The good news is there may not be much competition from your area. Good Luck!</p>