I'm trying to get into NEU as a transfer undergrad in psych, fingers crossed, but I am also extremely interested in hopefully applying to their School psych grad program after I get my Bachelors. Does anyone know if going to school with them for undergrad helps/hurts/makes no difference when trying to get into their grad program? I'm also wondering this about Tufts. Any thoughts?</p>
<p>Northeastern offers a discount as a “double husky” to go to grad school at Northeastern.
This technically goes fro any grad program, I think.
But generally, it is extremely discouraged to do a PhD at the same institution as your undergrad. If you want to get a master’s degree, it’s generally fine, but if you go to Northeastern for undergrad, you likely won’t be able to for a PhD, and I think this is the case for most schools.</p>
<p>Oh, that interesting, and makes sense - but I never thought about it that way! Yes, I am planning to go for my masters.</p>
<p>“Won’t be able to” is a little strong. A person could stay at the same institution for undergrad and PhD, and if they know the faculty, may even have a good shot at getting in, but it may not be the best route for one’s career if they plan to work in academia, because hiring universities like to see some breadth of experience. I’m in a professional (but not PhD) doctoral program at Northeastern and there is often a student each year who did undergrad at NEU.</p>
<p>That may have been a little extreme wording on my part. I spend a lot of time in the meaty department, though, and the professors have talked about a number of students who have we’re undergrads who were doing grad programs who were… “Strongly encouraged” by the university to move on after their masters. Might be more of a math department thing.</p>