Getting into top UCs?

HS Senior

Unweighted: 3.94
Weighted: 4.11
SAT: 1410/1460
Junior+ Senior year: total of 6 APs and 1 Honors

Working Student
Family income: 39,600
First generation immigrant (asian) and first to go to an American college.

National Honors Society
VP of a culture club
Finalist in National History Day
Volunteer regularly at: public library, red cross, park clean up, retirement home, rose parade

Just a brief resume. I just wanted to know if i have a chance of getting in. I wasn’t able to do much extracurricular activities and AP classes my first 2 years of HS due to personal problems.

Your GPA looks solid. The SAT isn’t out of 1460 thought - if you meant your second score is 1460 then they probably only look at the higher one. 1460 is a pretty good SAT score I think you have a solid chance at all UCs alghouh Berkely and LA might be slightly reach for you. Good luck!

Chance me back!

You are a strong applicant, with solid essays, you have a shot at the top schools. Your limited ECs could count against you though - so, 50/50 at best Davis, Irvine and Santa Barbara are likely to admit you. UCR, M and SC are very likely to admit you.

Note none are locks, such is the peril of UC admission. Depending on your major, I’d also apply to SDSU and both Cal Polys.

You want to have at least one option.

Agree with @NCalRent. You are competitive for most of the UC’s. The top UC’s are never a guarantee and the Mid tiers can be just as unpredictable.

Good luck

Freshman admits with UC GPA if 3.80-4.19
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

Got accepted early at UCSB and UCI (top 15% of applicants apparently), and UCSD, UCSC, UCD. Did not apply to berkley because it didnt have the major I wanted. Hoping I get into UCLA (tomorrow evening).