Getting Involved on Campus

Hi! I’m finishing up my first co-op and will be a middler next year. I’m not really involved with anything on campus (at least haven’t joined anything and stuck with it) and I was wondering what peoples thoughts were on joining clubs as an upperclassmen (or middleclassmen)? Is it something people do? Will it be hard to get involved this late in the game?

Edit: any suggestions of clubs/activities to join are welcome

Do it! Every club I’ve been a part of has been super open to new members, whether I was the new member (joined math club end of my sophomore year) or someone was joining a club (happened in band numerous times). Even though it’s primarily aimed at freshmen, I’d still definitely recommend going to the activities fair. I was there recruiting for a club one year and other clubs were trying to get me to join.

If you’re looking for suggestions, what are your interests?

I’m a communication major, so I was sort of interested in doing something major related. I’ve thought about the PR or marketing clubs on campus. I also would be interested in doing something athletic or doing something creative. A big part of the challenge for me is getting over the fear of going. I’m extremely shy.

I’m not familiar with the PR/marketing domain, so I can’t help on that front. For sports, there are a ton of intramurals and club sports (of varying levels of intensity), and some sports-related clubs like cycling club and NUHOC (husky outdoor club - does all sorts of camping/skiing/etc). The great thing about hopping in in the fall is that they’ll almost all have welcome-type events and be particularly excited for new members, whech definitely makes the jump easier. As a strong introvert myself, I sympathize. The activities fair did wonders for my social involvement.

Do you know anything about the Nu Dance Co/club?

@twicemama I’ve heard of it but don’t know a lot about it!