Moving my son into Hammerschlag dorm at Carnegie Mellon in August. Trying to figure out what he’ll need to supplement the furniture that’s already there. Specifically, I have 3 questions:
- Does he need a headboard (and will a normal twin size fit a twin xl bed)?
- He’s very tall (6’4") and the desks look low. Should we ask maintenance to take out his desk and bring in his own?
- How do we hang stuff on the walls? They look like cinderblock in the photos.
Any other move in advice, especially for dorms on the hill, much appreciated! Thanks!!
For the desk, if it is too low, four blocks of wood, upside down buckets, stacks of old magazines, or other things put under the desk legs can be used to raise it to the height he wants.
Not specific to this dorm, but…
- I don't think he needs a headboard (not aware of anyone who has brought one to college). If they say XL Twin, then yes, get XL Twin. Target, Bed Bath & Beyond are a couple of inexpensive sources.
- Can you wait on the desk? Let him try it out. Also, he may not study much at his desk or in his room. It might not be worth doing.
Can’t answer about that dorm and those walls. You could ask in the CMU forum.
Normal twin sheets will not fit an x long bed unless they are very stretchy. X-long sheets are very easy to find at the time of year. He does not need a headboard. Desks are generally normal sized. I’d think he could use bedrisers if it’s truly a problem. My over 6’ guys used a variety of college provided desks and they managed. I think they do most of their work sitting with lap tops on beds anyway. The colleges usually tell you what is allowed and not allowed on the walls, but generally the Command brand stuff gets good reviews here.
I am painfully ignorant. Had no idea there is a CMU forum. Thanks all for the tips and info!
And blue-tack and command hooks (many sizes available) are great for hanging stuff on walls in college dorms. Both can be easily found (Staples, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and many other places).
@bluemama -
My DD’s college gave them the only acceptable stickers to hang things on the wall. NO command strips were allowed.