Getting Private Tutor to learn Calc A over summer

<p>I just got a scholarship and was going to use it to hire a tutor to learn Calc A over the summer so I can take AP Calculus BC my senior year. Is that reasonable? Im currently in Precalculus (as a junior), but you need to be in the higher leveled math class to take AP Calc BC (i kind of slack of last year, but now i am applying myself).</p>

<p>Is it possible to learn Calculus A over the summer to be ready for AP Calc BC next year with a tutor?</p>

<p>Well in most colleges, calc is broken up into A,B, and C, and they’re broken down to one every semester. If every semester is about 15 weeks, then your chances of finishing aren’t too bad at all if you get tutored a couple of times a week for about two hours.</p>

<p>Also, even if you don’t finish completely, doing that much math during the summer will definitely help the transition from precalc to ap calc.</p>