<p>I was never the “ohmigosh she’s a genius” kind of person, so I didn’t do any advanced activities alone, I was just put in the top group, probably because…
A) When I attended my first elementary/primary school in NZ I didn’t know English and had learnt how to read (I was seven years old) a week before school started
B) At the next school it was a big public with a lot of potential scholars, I’m not kidding, a lot of these students are top math/English/science etc students in our grade in the nation (yeah, small nation, but still).
C) I was considered smart but not incredibly intelligent (I did get math homework for 14~15 year olds when I was 11 though) in middle school, haha.
D) I test badly and I didn’t get the school academic scholarship to my school, blahh</p>
Spanish and love can hardly be considered separate topics.</p>