
<p>So here's my thread for post 1,000. Early we oft talked of when this time arose there'd be a celebratory thread in my honor. Those were the glory days of the personal thread... I remember it as though it were last week. Nonetheless, I have no one to guide me to the upper echelon of CC members. So this is my own celebration, in honor of my complete awesomeness being cemented by my numerous posts. Please, no cheering, or tears of joy. It may be exciting, but it's possible that there are more important things in life than me (although it's not been proven).</p>

<p>well you guys are losers.</p>

<p>7 views and no congrats... psh.</p>

<p>(I'm so full of myself :p )</p>

<p>prob is.....this damn area....there are so many threads in use that it gets pushed outa sight.....good think that i will one day reach that stage</p>

<p>yeah crazy thing is... it took until nov. 10 or so to get to 500 then bam! i'm there.</p>

<p>Grr! I thought this thread would be about "One Song Glory" from Rent!! Boo!!!</p>

<p>HAHAHA man that song gets on my nerves.</p>

<p>pfft music</p>

<p>right there with you.</p>

<p>You're telling me it took you less than a week to get to 1400 after this post?</p>

<p>Yeah sorta ridiculous huh. I've gotten about 1000 posts in 2 weeks. Still my PPD is like 10.</p>

<p>congrats, gunner!</p>