Gmu assip 2021

Did you receive any response yet? My son was also interviewed on 4/7 by GIS department. Have not heard anything yet. I wonder what is the chance for getting in after an interview. I sent an email to GMU, but received no response. Kind of frustrating, since we are have to made decisions for other summer activities soon.

Received this today, keep our fingers a crossed -

Hello 2021 ASSIP applicant!

Several weeks ago, I promised to update you on your application status by April 20th. Well, here it is, April 21st and I am late. I apologize.

A handful of mentors are still working on their final selections-I’ve asked mentors to completely wrap up by Friday, April 23rd to send you a status update. But they are excited about all of their applicants, and it is hard for them to decide!

Be patient; a few mentors are adding interns since the current situation is improving.

I know many of you are making summer plans; I understand if you need to decide before you get a final status update, and I wish you well.

Kind regards,

Dr. Cobb

yep! thats what im inferring, im just about counting it out now…

ah cool! im not sure though if they are just stretching it out for those arleady interviewed, because if they are wrapping up by April 23rd i doubt they would send out more interview requests rn 4 days before the deadline yk…

I guess today we will hear something about the final decision.

Still have not heard anything yet. I guess won’t be receiving anything until next week. I guess they are waiting for first round candidates’ acceptances before reaching out to the second round.

just got rejection email :,( congrats to everyone who got in tho!! i think i’ll be commiting to UCSC SIP!

Also received regret email :-(. congratulations for those who were accepted. and Good luck to the rest on your summer endeavor. BTW, any of you had experience with ASSIP inventor club? Is it worth to try?

I wanted to apply to this program next year and want to just know how prestigious it is/competitive since, Im trying to go to a T20 college?

they don’t publish official data regarding acceptance rates but you do get to do your own research project and publish it in a journal if the mentor allows so i’d say its pretty prestigious.

In 2013 the acceptance rate was 10% so should be around that number:
Students Who Demonstrate Strong Talent and Interest in STEM Are Initially Attracted to STEM through Extracurricular Experiences - PMC.