Goldman Sachs Info Session

Hey, y’all!

I just got an invite for a Goldman Sachs info session on campus. Does anyone know generally how many people get invited to this, and if it’s worth going?

Definitely go!!!

Yes, go, and report back here! :slight_smile:

Go. Dress to impress.

Goldman Sachs is in town to meet with CBHP and Fellows students, and will also meet with some business school and Honors College students in an information session. Great opportunity to learn about IB. Break out the suit and polish the shoes.

But my question is, if my major is fairly useless (political science) and I got an invite, is it even worth showing up? Won’t they be looking for business college folk?

well, you were ID’d for some reason. Do you know why? Aren’t you on the debate team? If so, maybe that’s your “in”? I don’t know.

Never pass up the chance to meet potential employers when you get a special opportunity like this. You never know where it can lead and, even if it leads nowhere, it’s great practice for the future.

If you have any interest in investment banking, I would hit this place up and get to know the people presenting there. Its extremely, as in very, very unlikely that kids from UA break into banking off the bat. Take the opportunity here!

Its extremely, as in very, very unlikely that kids from UA break into banking off the bat.



while it’s common to believe that Ibanking only hires from elites, GS has been hiring from Bama for awhile.

I met a recent UA graduate that works Goldman Sachs at the NYC send off party for Class of 2019 this summer. My impression is that NYC UA Alumni are very well represented in many industries and sectors.

I know several Bama grads who now work for GS. GS pays them very high salaries…the offers were so high that other companies competing for these new-hires simply folded like cheap tents when they found out who also was offering these students jobs.

@mom2collegekids, do you know what those students majored in?

Using Linkedin, it’s possible to search for folks (who use Linkedin) who attended UA and currently work at Goldman Sachs. I came up with 20+.

One is a current Managing Director (Internet Equity Research), he earned his BS in Finance in 1996 at UA, then his MBA at Columbia University in 2005. He started working at Merrill Lynch, then Credit Suisse (for 9 years), a few other companies, then Goldman Sachs.

I see several “Operations Summer Analyst”, and references to “the STEM Path to the MBA” and the honors college (at UA),…

Hmm…I see several VP’s who attended UA….the first has a BS and Masters in Accounting, another has a BA in Economics from UA and MS in Finance from George Washington University. Here’s a software developer/VP that got their MS in Computer Sciences at UA.

the students that I know graduated within the last 1-5 years…

Their majors were:

Comp Sci