<p>cecerra, try looking at a copy of U.S. New & World Report America's Best Colleges.</p>
<p>This magazine lists hundreds of colleges which you will not see discussed on this forum. Pick a few of the less selective based on SAT scores and location and visit their web sites to see if they might be of interest.</p>
<p>Some lesser schools admit students to their honors program based on SAT scores alone, so that might be an option in your case.</p>
<p>Some schools you might consider:
[ul]Goucher (MD)[/ul]
[ul]Eckerd (FL)[/ul]
[ul]Jacksonville University, FL (they have a well respected dance program, by the way)[/ul]
[ul]Dean College, MA (two year college with impressive record of having students transfer into selective colleges - also have dance).[/ul]</p>
<p>Don't panic. Some schools don't even count 9th grade grades, so for those schools she's only 50% done, plenty of time to bring up the grades.</p>
<p>I agree strongly with the notion that she should look at smaller schools where they keep an eye on students (call you if you skip a class).</p>
<p>Might consider focusing on the theater angle, as there's often leeway getting in for a student who shows promise in an audition. Probably not a top program, but a good small LAC.</p>
<p>Having said that, work hard with her to bring her grades up.</p>
<p>Don't panic! There is a place for everyone. I personally know several kids who were "bored" or too social in HS and grades suffered but then did extremely well on SAT and ACT. In fact one young man was SAT semi finalist. He was able to get in a very good LAC ( St. Olaf) here in MN. Get help to get those grades up as much as possible and boost her her self confidence. I also know another young woman who was bright but only put forth effort on classes she liked. She had a GPA similar to your daughter and did well on her ACT. She is now at Cornell College, a very nice LAC, in Iowa. They focus on one class at a time for mulitple "mini" quarters and this really helped her focus. Look for those schools who look at the whole person. Good Luck!</p>
<p>My son is like that. Not one for busy work, a bit disorganized but very bright. He does not fit in the mold for the average high schooll repeat back to me, memorize. His average is 87 right now and that includes a lot of A's from gym and band. His SAT's were 680 math 590 Cr.</p>
<p>He currently has 7 acceptances for next year: Goucher, Moravian, Susquehanna, UMaine, Urisnus, McDaniel, and Clarkson. Your daughter will be fine. There are plenty of schools out there.</p>
<p>I am of course a bit concerned about my son succeeding in college. He informs me however, that he fully intends to work very hard in college, that high school is "dumb" . Frankly, I agree with him on a lot of aspects about high school and I am optimistic he will thrive in college.</p>