Good Essay Topic?

Ok, here is a list of the essay topics I have drafted for my personal statement… could you let me know which you think is the best? Assume that the essay quality is the same for each. I don’t feel comfortable sharing the actual essays for plagiarism reasons but would appreciate if you could share which topics sound the most interesting. Thanks!
-my internship with a cafe this summer
-my favorite panera bread soup
-my favorite pig at my local zoo (this one sounds random but his name is also Andre so it’s about us being kindred spirits)
-the time I peed my pants while lost in the state fair corn maze (lol its about overcoming an obstacle)
-my first time milking a cow
-my grandmother’s disease (just in general how it has affected me)
-potatoes (I’m from Idaho)

The potatoes one sounds interesting!?

IMO it’s hard to tell just based on the topic- all depends on how you write it. Make sure to put the focus on you- who you are right now, the person you want to present to the AOs. Do your essays give a clear reason for them to “say yes”?

Have a parent or English teacher read it. Make sure that, if they were given a stack of random essays, yours is distinctive enough that they’d be able to pick yours out.

The 3 word description of the topic doesn’t matter. What matters is how much of “you” you put into the final result.

Why not bullet each one-- NOT FOR US, but for yourself? See what you would say and which one turns out to be the most uniquely you?

Lol… Some of the topics sounds pretty interesting. I think this topic -the time I peed my pants while lost in the state fair corn maze is good.

Write the Essay No One Else Could Write (see link below)

Many of these topics would do just that!
