Good luck

<p>I just wanted to wish all the freshman apps good luck.</p>

<p>Yeah, good luck!!
If you got in they picked you over more than 5000 others, which is pretty awesome and will have a lot of people envious, including me haha
If you didn’t, don’t worry about it yeah? 6,000 applications! It’s crazy!</p>

<p>So is it for sure for sure that they are going out today?</p>


<p>3/16/09: "Decisions will likely be mailed on Thursday, March 26. "</p>

<p>[Occidental</a> College :: Application Reading in the Home Stretch](<a href=“]Occidental”></p>

<p>I’ll take that as a for sure :)</p>

<p>Hate to double post but…</p>

<p>Called Oxy (just because I’m that much of a crazed parent) and confirmed they are going out today. Now they may miss the post today, but we can wait for the first receipts in the LA area and time from there (unlike a certain other LAC which sent one group out and then stopped driving everyone nutz)</p>

<p>thanks for the luck. i so scared, ha!</p>