<p>My daughter, the rising senior from a very overachieving California public school is struggling with her college list ... which her school requires everyone who considers applying EA/ED anywhere to have completed and given to the school office by the end of this week . I am looking for the ways to help her with any sound advice I could find. :)</p>
<p>So far, it's pretty obvious she is applying to a bunch of UCs. Six years ago (when her big sister was undergoing the same process) it seemed given that the little one, being herself (strong, but not overachieving student - with decent grades, but not willing to "jump over her head" ;)), when her time comes, would certainly get into most UCs, and could count on something more "exciting" than UCs, if gives it some more effort. ;) So, since the beginning of her high school career she had been forewarned, that various UCs are her reach, match and safety schools ... to go anywhere else (with us able and willing to pay for it) she should get into a super-reach (which are the only schools that MIGHT consider to give us any finaid), or, at least, to some decent out-of-state/private school with a REALLY great merit scholarship. THE UCs price tag is about maximum of our paying ability.</p>
<p>Nowadays, getting into ANY of the UCs is not a "given" anymore ... for anyone. :( The process became too "holistic" - which is, IMO, a synonim to unpredictable and bizzare. ;) Therefore, she probably needs all kinds of other than UC options in her list - reach, match, safeties ... but she knows we would only pay no more than UC price for anything which is at least not worse academically and in terms of name recognition (for the purpose of grad/med/school acceptance etc.).</p>
<p>As of now, she is only certain about (other than UCs) super-reach in her list:</p>
<p>Princeton U </p>
<li>which, we think, is a VERY long shot for her, even as a legacy. ;) That is also, AFAIK, the only NON-merit-aid-giving school, where, if against all odds, she is accepted, we could possibly get an adequate need-based finaid (at least, we did with our older daughter ;)).</li>
<p>Other schools which nowadays come (based on current moods and various ideas ;)) on- and off- her list (where she, maybe, could more realistically get into ... but not sure, how realistic are some merit money there for her ...), are: </p>
<p>Boston University
WPI (I suggested it as a possible safety)
Drexel (sent her an app fee waiver)
PACE (nobody heard of it, but it sends spam to her constantly ;) ... and is located in NYC, her dream city ;));</p>
<p>Lewis and Clark
maybe, Willamette.</p>
<p>(the last two - also, mom-suggested possible closer-to-home "safeties").</p>
<p>She is interesed in biology or some other bio/health-related major (possibly, pre-med ... but she is not sure); also, her current interest is forensic medicine ... but that could change. ;)
In terms of geografic location, she is eager to go out-of-state (by her adventurous nature) - preferrably, to East Coast. I as a parent, on the other hand, am not excited at the idea ;) and prefer her to stay closer to home (have a long list of reasons for that ;)). Her list is and, probably will be kind of a compromise of these two opposite interests, hers and ours. :)</p>
<p>Her stats as of now:</p>
<p>GPA: ~ 3.7+ uw/ ~4.2+ w
SAT 1: 2300
SAT 2: math 760, French 800, Bio - 780 or something like that ...</p>
<p>11 grade APs: Bio (5), LaC (5), BC Calc (4) (got her AP Scholar certificate today :)).
12 grade APs: Stats, Lit, French.</p>
<p>There were/are also some honor classes - so, her classwork is typical for the strong college-bound student from her school. Grades are typical (but not overly impressive), too - some A's, some B's. :)</p>
<p>She is a member of some non-crazy-competitive clubs - pre-med, French Honor Society, Red Cross ... Harry Potter (dont' ask ;)); officer in one of them.</p>
<p>Her most time-consuming activity is color/winter guard team - because of it, she wouldn't even try many other (more promissing in terms of giving an edge for admissions) school activities. She is really excited about this activity and hardly has time for anything else... but all these time I wondered how interested selective colleges might be in it. ;)</p>
<p>There is also some kind of volounteering with the family (Fort Ross State Historic park), some involvement in Russian community cultural life, some art lessons (with art portfolio - for accpeting colleges - as the possible outcome) ... and that's about it.</p>
<p>So my questions are: how realistic getting into - with any merit aid - any of the more selective schools on that list mentioned above for her? Do the less selective schools on that list worth considering/applying/attending? What other schools could she look at, but didn't (yet)?</p>