Good news! Dorm upgrades on the way

<p>Thought some of the new incoming freshman students and on campus upperclassmen might be interested in this link:</p>

<p>News</a> Story | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>Environmental sustainability. I guess thats the direction they were heading when they decided to put a tanning salon in AJ.</p>

<p>chuy, are you kidding me? </p>

<p>Is that a part of the “day spa”? I’m fine with my r + b money going toward most of the improvements listed, but a spa and/or tanning salon…that is going way to far in trying to create a “comfortable” living environment.</p>

<p>Well, yes and no. There is going to be a tanning salon in AJ but it’ll be run and financed by a separate company, VT is just leasing out the space. That’s my understanding anyway.</p>

<p>Wow theyre putting a day spa in the civillian dorms, meanwhile the cadet dorms are the oldest and falling apart. I noticed the article said the only Corps dorm getting upgrades is Monteith…the one that is half cadet, half civ</p>