<p>I'm an average student. 3.58 gpa, not that great at writing essays, I have never won any awards of any sort, never actively involved in a club, etc. I take AP classes and such, but I don't ace them whatsoever.</p>
<p>Does anyone know of any scholarships that are in reach of a non-genius such as myself?</p>
<p>I have difficulty understanding some areas in subjects which holds me back a lot. I realize I have no idea how to study for classes such as AP Gov and AP Lit, which require a deeper level of thinking. I have ADHD, so I think that’s a part of it.</p>
<p>Reya, I have actually seen a scholarship or two for kids with ADHD and learning disabilities. Try googling that + scholarship. Average kids often have a better shot at the “niche” scholarships anyway. Also look on your prospective college’s website to see if they have anything - some schools have extra scholarships that you can apply for and some merit money is often available at your gpa level and may be automatic.</p>
<p>I’ve seen scholarships that are specifically for B/average students. Like, if your GPA is higher than a certain number you’re disqualifed. I can’t remember the names of them though, sorry :/</p>
<p>You should look at local scholarships. Our high school puts out a list of about 300 local scholarships. They are for everything from majoring in nursing to FFA. Many are based on need and not solely on grades.</p>
<p>I’ve already applied for a ton of scholarships, I’m working as hard as I can to keep my grades up. I’m no genius, but I try my best. I’m active in my church. What kept me out of clubs and the like was a difficult move sophomore year from California to Arizona after living in California for fifteen years. I switched schools AGAIN in the middle of sophomore year. ADHD and anxiety worked together (without me knowing at the time) and pushed me to be a bit afraid and insecure about myself and making new friends. Once I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety, the medicine I took helped out a hell of a lot.</p>
<p>It’s a bit difficult for me, in school, to understand some areas/simple details in certain subjects because of my ADHD. But I work as hard as I can to get past it, I swear.</p>
<p>At our public library they have some big directory-type books you can check out that list all types of scholarships. Most of the scholarships are very specific as to illnesses you have, your location, location you want to go to school, where your parents work, if your parents are in the military, etc. Maybe you will get lucky and find one that fits you. Also, on my D’s school website under the counseling section they have a list of scholarships. So you might want to try looking there also. Good luck!</p>