<p>Im finishing High school tm and I want top study chemical engineering. But before I really make my mind up I have a few questions:</p>
<p>1) What are the job opportunities if I study Chemical Engineering?</p>
<p>2) What colleges provide good Chemical Engineering careers?</p>
<p>Any other comments or suggestions are welcome</p>
<p>P.S: This is not a "Chemical Engineering sucks" forum or anything, please constructive posts.....</p>
<p>The Berkeley Career Center is a good resource to answer your questions regarding job opportunities.</p>
<p><a href="http://career.berkeley.edu/Engineering/Engineering.stm#chem%5B/url%5D">http://career.berkeley.edu/Engineering/Engineering.stm#chem</a> (links)
<a href="http://career.berkeley.edu/Major/ChemEngr.stm%5B/url%5D">http://career.berkeley.edu/Major/ChemEngr.stm</a></p>
<p>Universities with notable chemical engineering programs:
Berkeley, University of Minnesota, MIT, Stanford, UT-Austin, CalTech, LSU, GeorgiaTech, other Big10 schools</p>
<p>I'm a Berkeley Chemical Engineering grad. PM me if you would like.</p>
<p>Wisconsin and Delaware.</p>
<p>^ Forgot Delaware... I would hazard to guess that Delaware is strong due to DuPont and Minnesota is strong due to 3M.</p>
<p>Just a question. I know Vanderbilt doesn't exactly have the greatest Chemical Engineering Program in the world, but how would it stack about UVA or UMD. Would I have similar job opportunities if I decided to attend Vanderbilt?</p>
<p>^ I'd say job opportunites would be the same for Vanderbilt, UVA or UMD. I'd choose a school based on cost and other factors.</p>
<p>If the school is not noted for engineering, you may have to do more leg work in your job search, since traditional engineering employers may not be as active recruiting on campus. </p>
<p>I'd suggest checking out each schools' career center website.</p>
<p>Illinois, Texas, Northwestern, Rice, Penn State, Georgia Tech, and Lehigh are all really well-regarded.</p>
<p>Although, it also depends on your stats. If you're looking for something less selective, I've also heard many good things about UMass.</p>