google group sat prep

<p>what happened to the google group sat prep?</p>

<p>it got deleted.</p>

In the past weeks, we have witnessed a growing number of posts advertising or linking to sites that offer pirated material in violation of copyright laws. One such site is using a name that intimates a connection to College Confidential as it is presented as a CC SAT private site.</p>

<p>Please note that College Confidential condemns the practice of violating copyright laws in the strongest terms. We have no other choice to impose a zero tolerance and prohibit ALL discussions, links, or advertising about sites offering ILLEGAL copies of past tests, books, or SAT courses.</p>

<p>Members who violate the prohibition to discuss such sites in any shape or form will be banned on the spot, and this regardless of their contributions or length of participation at College Confidential.


<p>Maybe you ought to have read this...</p>