Got accepted to Newark Academy but

We only applied to Newark Academy because we thought we would really push it for 7th grade with all other schools. My son ended up getting accepted and we are excited about it! Now I need to decide whether to send him to NA or keep him in his current school and apply to Delbarton, Pingry and NA again next year. Part of that reasoning is because we got 33% scholarship towards tuition and believe if we had more schools, we could compare the awards and decide.

What are your thoughts on NA? Why is their financial aid bucket significantly lower than Pingry, Peddie or even Rutgers Prep? Does that even mean anything re their alumni network? It’s ranked #4 in NJ so presumably a top school.

Thanks in advance

Does it have a HS/Upper School? (Sorry never heard of it) but usually schools that have HS the tuition tends to be far more than the MS or Lower school and thus less aid for the LS and MS kids. Donations usually come from alumni, the more kids a school helps to graduate, the more money they can potentially get from those alumni donations so it “pays more” to give bigger boosts to kids likely to stay and graduate. Caveat being that sometimes, while you may get more money in HS, the overall % is no different than what you’d get in middle school, it’s just that you HS bill is bigger to begin with.

It isn’t necessarily that they have a smaller endowment but that by their calculations, they believe you can afford 67% of the bill is what it comes down to.


Thanks for your response. Yes, it has HS and ranked 4th in NJ and 32nd nationally so it’s good school. I agree, their algorithm probably came up with that which is fine. I’m only asking because I could see that my income bracket at other schools get much more hence the question. Helpful answer. thanks

Every school has its own way of calculating FA, so it’s a bit of a toss up as to whether you’d do better at another next year.

I think the biggest challenge is deciding whether this is the school you would choose if you had all the options. Changing schools after two years isn’t impossible but it’s tough for most kids.

They aren’t all next to each other, so you should also be realistic about what the commute will mean for your family and student. You wouldn’t be the first family to request a change to boarder at Peddie after a year or two of driving. (One family was here on these threads, so you can probably find info on that.)

They are all excellent schools, but there are differences that may or may not be meaningful.

Hi, I’ve seen several of your posts in this forum and you seem to be quite knowledgeable about NJ private schools.

I was hoping you could share differences between Pingry and NA. Pingry seems to have a lot of name recognition- most people we’ve met know about it and many have direct experience (either very positive or negative). Other than through the admissions events, I haven’t met families with direct experience at NA. While NA feels like a better fit for our family (school feels more diverse, collaborative, the teachers were very responsive, and the arts education is incredible), I’m concerned about the smaller endowment size, and alumni involvement at NA. Is the culture significantly different at both schools? What type of students do best at each of the schools? I did ask admissions these questions but would love community insight.

We will be applying next fall as repeat 6th graders. Kid has a late fall bday and is the youngest in current 5th grade class. Kid has Ivy ambitions but doesn’t have a competitive personality. Loves working with others and passionate about learning.


I am less familiar with NA personally although know it is well-regarded. Have known quite a few families at Pingry, with - as you noted - opinions at both ends of the spectrum.

There are a couple of families here who might be able to help. I’d start by doing a search of past threads because I recall a discussion of these within the last few years.


Also, OP, if you are local, which presumably you are, why not attend some games or theater or music productions that are open to the public? There will be parents of current students you can chat with as well as observe how everyone interacts. You can get “inside” information that way and from more than one source.

If you feel like this is more your place, that’s telling!

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You will rarely find someone who can compare the two schools. You can PM me if you want information on the Pingry side. I have friends whose kids went to NA, so I know just a little bit on that side.

Maybe wait till march 7th? I know there is a welcome reception and you can really determine if the school is a right fit for you on that reception.

We are applying next year. Obviously he’d need to be accepted but I also want to make sure we are targeting the right schools for DS.

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Thanks, that’s a great idea! I didn’t realize those events were open to the public. My school back in the day would restrict attendance to enrolled families.

Thank you! I’m not sure how to private message but I’d love any insights on either school. We are new to the area (1st year living here after a cross country move) so still getting our bearings.

Sent you a PM. It will show up as a green marker on the upper right near your icon. You can just click on it.

If you have any concerns about closed events, you can always contact Admissions and ask for a prospective family pass to any event you are considering. Many schools provide those.


Not clear from your initial question what grade your son will be entering NA, but I presume 7th. High level, Pingry better rep than NA but not by much. If you have interest in applying your boy to Delbarton “next year” I assume you mean for entering 8th Grade (?) which is an off year there as they accept mostly entering 7th and 9th graders, and for next year’s 2023-24 entering 7th Grade class had a record # of applications. Doesn’t mean you strictly cannot get in in 8th but you can call the admissions office and ask. As for applying for 9th, I’m sure Delbarton would love to poach a Pingry lad.