Got an Urgent Question about senior grades 3.0 unweighted

<p>Right now i have 7 classes… i got senioritis… i have like 2.67 without teacher assistant… and 2.87 with it… Is teacher assistant considered in the 3.0 unweighted gpa?</p>

<p>Ouch, and no, I don't think teacher assistant is going to do it for u. 7 classes?!? Can you drop one or two of them (like the ones you're doing crap in?!?). You have plenty of time to bring this around. Remember, almost all the UCs are getting harder to get in, way too many people applying. Good luck!</p>

<p>yea ok thats what i thought.. yea how do i get rid of senioritis?</p>

<p>Develop wanna-go-to-UC-itis! Just kidding. My son has it as well and it is all he can do to get through this first semester! Try and imagine what it will feel like when your report card comes if you are ineligible. Write a letter to yourself pretending that has happened and ask yourself what you could have done differently. Then, do it. Talk to your teachers and tell them you have slacked off under the stress of senior year and want to do any extra credit if possible. Ask to be moved to the front row of your classes. I say this because even though it sounds goofy, if you only improve a little from here on out, at least your teachers will remember your efforts come grading time and perhaps will give you a bump up if your grade is borderline. Good luck... only about 10 more weeks or so before the end of the semester, right?!</p>

<p>yes about 10 more weeks. thanks.</p>

<p>so i have a question, since the 3.0 is unweighted, wouldn't someone who takes like 5 APs senior yr have a higher chance of getting screwed over than someone who takes the regular classes?</p>

<p>i guess so, but berkeley and ucla takes senior grades into account, but UCSD doesn't</p>

<p>are you sure UCSD doesn't? b/c i think all UCs have the 3.0 w/ no Ds, Fs agreement</p>

<p>3.0 is WEIGHTED for UCI, UC Davis, UCSB, UCR, UCM, and UCSC. It's a 3.0 UNWEIGHTED for UCLA and UC Berkeley. Not sure about UCSD though.</p>

<p>it's both semesters of senior year right? and it's the average of the two semesters right? or is it based on each semester (Like if you get 2.0 first semes and 4.0 2nd, you still get rescinded cause of the 1st one). how much do they emphasize this requirement anyways, i mean why would they disregard all your hard work from before just cause of some blemishes on your senior transcript</p>

<p>Its per semester for Berkeley. For LA its overall. For the other ones, heck they're weighted >>;;</p>

<p>so we can all be SURE that all UCs except la or berkeley are weighted?</p>

<p>and is this weighted stuff like unlimited (ie if it's AP, then it's weighted) or is there like a semester limit for senior yr?</p>

<p>Yes you can weight as many AP's as you want senior year. It's the average of the two semesters as well. Do not get any D's. Receiving a D will jeopardize your admission even if you're above the 3.0 senior year requirement.</p>

<p>nschuchert, how do u know all this? i'm not questioning u or anything, just wondering
like is there a place where i can get this info and more?</p>

<p>also, does anyone else know about UCSD?</p>

<p>I went through this last year as a senior applying to schools. My acceptance letter to UCI went through all the requirements to keep my admission.</p>

<p>Check this site for UCI's freshman contract for admission: <a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>Most of the UC's are very similar to that.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>UCSD is weighted overall too.<br>
Basically difficulty is:
Cal>LA>All UCs except LA/Cal
Cal=3.0unweighted per semester>LA=3.0unweighted overall (I know this for fact since I emailed about it)>All other UCs (unless Riverside/Merced/SC are more stringent than Irvine/SB/SD >_>)</p>

<p>so basically all (except la/berk) weighted, as many APs, both semesters averaged together?</p>

<p>Yes that's correct.</p>

<p>thanks for the info</p>

<p>UC Davis has not adopted a 3.0 GPA in your senior year requirement yet. We require that you complete all courses as listed for your senior year with a “C” grade or better. When you are admitted you will receive the Conditions of Admissions; read these carefully for each campus. These conditions will explain what requirements you need to meet to keep your admissions.</p>