Got Postponed today

<p>3.37 uw gpa, decent weighted gpa, top 20 percent in class out of 550, 1220/1890 SAT, a lot of ec's with leadership positions numerous athletic honors for tennis, good essays, good recs, 1 past AP, 2 current, about 10 honors classes , go to very prestigious New Jersey high school</p>

<p>Wisconsin was my reach school and I know people that go there that absolutely loved it, but was not going to visit unless I was accepted. I am going to send in a 3rd letter of recommendation as well as my mid year grades which are the best grades I have had in my high school career. (4 As 2 Bs with one of the B's in an AP class), I really do not want to take SATS again. I am thinking about submitting a letter to the school proclaiming my desire to attend, is this a decent idea? Anything else I can do to help my chances?</p>

<p>Yes, they read all that stuff.</p>

<p>Your grade increase could help you a lot as would sending another letter in. They see you as on the border, so you have to prove to them that you are a fit. Contact with the school is good, just don't over do it. You could probably write another essay telling of your accomplishments since you applied and why you belong there.</p>

<p>Read <a href=""&gt;;/a> Post #13 for general strategy. </p>

<p>Bottom line is focus on things that count the most and better get that checklist from the horse's mouth than mime. Also, your actions and results, not love letters, will count the most.</p>