GPA Admit Stats

i know one person who got into ucla with ~3.95 uc unweighted. i’ll be around there as well. you said that it is rare to see admits less than 3.9, which is probably true. and you probably need at or very near 4.0 with max rigor.

i’ll have around 3.95, but my uc weighted would be 4.66. not sure how that would be viewed

Your GPA would be viewed as competitive but GPA is only one part of the UCLA application review so there is no way to determine your overall chances. Please look over UCLA’s comprehensive review criteria or any other school you plan to apply.

They’ve released the latest CDS, it says 70% 4.0s. 95% was definitely unrealistic.

I’m in NJ (my daughter’s HS boyfriend went to Saint Joseph’s), and a good amount of students from our town attend Seton Hall Prep, Saint Peter’s prep, Bergen Catholic… and not low income, I believe tuition is around $20,000 a year.

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