GPA altered by the high school

Our child’s GPA was altered by our high school, and even though we have the correct/official reports, they denied the documents and refused to correct it - going as far as to say that those reports were not from the school. What can we do? Even the principal tried to deny it. They altered the grades to be one grade level down (so an A -> A-, B±>B). This is our child’s senior year and her colleges are waiting to receive her transcript from her high school. Any ideas about how we can deal with this or what we can do? Has this happened to anybody else?

Perhaps their “official” grades are a half grade down for everyone? Surely they didn’t just do it to one kid? If it was for everyone, not much you can do…

Have you checked with other families to see if it happened to anyone else? In the short term, there’s not much you can do. However, if you believe your district is tampering with records, you can file a complaint with your state education commissioner.

As far as we know, it only happens to my child, don’t know if other families notice this or not. My child now always check whenever the grades come out and let her teachers know if anything looks wrong. austinmshauri- thank you for the suggestion, I will looking into that.

Has your school, county or state implemented a new software program? Two years ago NC changed to a new system (PowerSchool I think it was called) and there were a tons of differences in how the grades were reported and calculated. Transcripts were a mess. This year NC changed the grade point scale from 7 to 10 and I imagine we’ll go through it again. I think using the word “altered” may be the reason the school is not being helpful. Try saying you don’t understand why the grades are different. More than likely the school didn’t purposefully do something to a student record, rather something changed how their system reported the grades. Saying the school altered grades may be putting them on the defensive.

NCmom14- Thank you for the great suggestion, I’ve never thought like that, guess I do need to use words carefully when I try to work things out with the school. Hopefully I can get some good results. Thanks again.