<p>I recently moved from Canada to the US in my sophomore year. In Canada, there were no honors or AP classes offered. However, the workload was not that much different than what you'd get in a 9th grade honors level class. So although I got all A's in my freshman year, the absence of honors/AP weighting from grade 9 currently kills my GPA, despite that I am taking many AP/honors classes this year (one of the most in the school). I think this is unfair because one school's grading system should not carry over to another's when a student switches schools, especially if it's internationally, and especially if there is no basis for comparison. I simply had no opportunity to take those classes that everyone else in my current school took. I am really concerned about my GPA because of this. </p>
<p>Has anyone been in this situation before? Should I tell my counselor that I'd like my 9th grade record to be crossed out? Is this even heard of?</p>
<p>umm if your 9th grade record is crossed out, you do know that most colleges would not even consider you?
(they may fear that you had straight F’s or something, and are trying to hide that)</p>
<p>Well, evidently, it won’t be crossed out inexplicably! I have nothing to hide, I got all A’s. If only for purposes of GPA calculation it were excluded…</p>
<p>You can’t just eliminate a year’s worth of grades. That’s the same thing as someone who bombs their junior year and then asks the guidance office to erase the junior year marks off of the official transcript. It doesn’t work this way. Your academic record stays with you. You can’t pick and choose which grades you want to keep so you can misrepresent your GPA.</p>
<p>You should ask your school to not count your 9th grade scores toward your GPA, and send a transcript directly from your canadian school and have your counselor mention this in your application.</p>
<p>its not a big deal. most people in canada dont that AP till grade 12, some in 11. so if you didnt get weighted in gr 9, but got straight As its still a 4.0 and shouldnt hurt you.</p>