GPA confusion

I am really confused with GPA reporting in the cal state application. The student counseling office says that all solid block classes ( 10 credits … Classes like Spanish1 , H Brit Lit etc) taken for only one semester should be reported as year classes. Or Alternately they should be reported twice with the same grade for both the semesters.

For example, if you got B grade in Spanish 1 ( 10 credit class taken for fall semester), you would need to report B grade 2 times if using the semester section or once for the whole year if using the year section.

This is very confusing. Can someone confirm

Can someone also confirm if UC GPA reporting is different ? Looks like UC requires you to report only once and mark the other semester as NO

Thanks in Advance

For Cal State application:
High Schools Using a Block System
• If your school uses a block system (full year course completed in one half of a school year), list the course name once and final grade earned twice. Select the Semester term type.
● 1 block unit (where only 1 grade is earned) = 2 semester units (report that grade twice – once for Fall semester and again for Spring semester)
● 1 block unit (where 2 grades are earned) = 2 semester units (report both grades – one in fall and one in spring) ● 1/2 block unit = 1 semester unit (enter the grade once in the appropriate term)

For UC application, you are correct you report only once and mark the other semester as NO.

If you want to confirm, you can contact UC admissions:


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Thanks for your prompt response. The UC admissions confirms this theory. But the high school counseler says UC application allows multiple selections for the high school. For the question “What is your school’s grading system”, there are check boxes ( multiple selections allowed) for semester , full year and trimester etc. She wants us to use full year for solid block classes… My question is “Does that change UC gpa calculation” or in other words, will a B in a solid block class be counted twice. Thanks

I do not have access to the UC application, but if you select Full year for the block classes, then doesn’t the UC application ask for 2 grades for the year class? If so, then the B would be counted twice. I have not tried to see how the usage of the different terms will affect the UC GPA. You could try to plug in the grades for 1 grade for each block course vs 2 to see:

Both my nieces had block scheduling at their school for some courses and they entered the grades as 1 semester (1 block)= 1 grade, even though it was 10 credits for that 1 semester.

Gumbymom - I just tried and for “Full” and the UC application asks for only one grade. Does that mean it counts it only once?

Looks like I have my answer… This is from UC web site…

Our high school gives only one grade for each class for the school year, as opposed to two semester grades. How will our students’ GPAs be calculated by UC?

On the online UC admission application, the student should select “Full” for Term Type. The GPA will be calculated by adding up the grade points and then dividing by the total number of courses taken. In other words, if the student took five “a-g” courses per year in sophomore and junior years, you would add up the grade points received in each course and then divide by 10, the total number of courses the student took.

I was trying to search the UC website for that information. Glad you found it and I will copy it for reference.