<p>The average undergrad GPA varies widely across schools. The music school has 3.7+ while engineering school has an average of 3.21. WCAS's average is like 3.26.</p>
<p>Which major will you be in? Your GPA is dependent on the classes you take. There are hard classes and easy classes, hard profs and easy profs. And how much time are you willing to devote to your studies vs. jobs, clubs, sports, partying?</p>
<p>As a WCAS sophomore who just managed to reach a cumulative 3.5 at the end of his freshman year, I can tell you that it is not easy, but it is not impossible either.</p>
<p>The past two years I was enrolled full-time at a university (that rivals MIT/Stanford in a few engineering categories, so it is a quality institution), and I can tell you that with effort anything is possible. You can't expect to be out partying every night and pull a 3.5, but with good time management and study skills it is attainable. The first few weeks will be an adjustment period, but once you have determined what it will take to get the grades you desire don't be afraid to go out and have some fun. It will make for a much more enjoyable campus if people are not in their dorms all the time studying.</p>