Grad Announcements

<p>Did you check Benjamin Knox Gallery? I haven’t yet. Also love their ring drawings…on the bucket list for future Aggie gifts.</p>

<p>Agmom, Benjamin Knox does some beautiful work. Just on his website browsing. Next time I’m up in CS I think I am going to have to swing by his gallery. </p>

<p>I’m taking this all in for my 2016 Aggie, so thanks!</p>

<p>My daughter graduated in May and we ordered her announcements from Signature. They were very nice. </p>

<p>83Aggie, glad to hear that you liked the Signature Announcements. </p>

<p>Just got an email from Herff Jones that they have shipped the announcements. Fingers crossed that they aren’t TACKY! </p>

<p>On another note, my son went a few weeks ago to get his yearbook photo done. Got the proofs in the mail today, and they are all really good! I got teary eyed, though, thinking about him graduating and going to work. But at least he has a job, and it’s in Houston, 30 minutes from us, so I’d better quit whining!</p>

<p>Barfly, since Herff Jones only offers the white/ivory announcements now, I’m sure they will be fine. Check back and let us know what you think once you get it. </p>

<p>I understand what you’re saying completely! So hard to believe in a flash that our children went from babies to adults. Congratulations on your son’s graduation and getting a job before he is out of school. Quite an accomplishment! </p>

<p>Nice to hear that you were pleased with the yearbook photos.<br>
We were really pleased with the pictures taken at graduation…exceeded expectations. My daughter also was able to take a selfie with Dr. Loftin on the stage at graduation…wonderful picture! What a nice man…he’s really missed! </p>

<p>What are the yearbook photos? (We haven’t bought a yearbook - is that common?) Are they like HS senior pictures? Or do most people just wait for graduation day? Thanks so much! Glad to hear that the professional photos at graduation were nice. Such an exciting time! Congrats to everyone & thanks for all the help.</p>

<p>Agmom, when I was at A&M they were like high school yearbook pictures. I am not sure what they are like now. When you are signing up for classes, you are able to add the yearbook purchase. The yearbooks at A&M are actually cheaper than my high school children’s yearbooks…go figure! I don’t know how popular the yearbooks are now. I do not remember being able to purchase the yearbook at graduation. You can purchase the graduation video through KAMU-TV and the company that does the graduation pictures sends you proofs a couple of weeks after graduation. </p>

<p>We ordered our boys yearbooks every year. They don’t even really look at them - but they may care when they are my age! </p>

<p>Seniors can get their photos in the yearbook for free, but they have to go to some office on campus - maybe the yearbook office at the MSC? I’m not sure, but my son looked it up online, scheduled an appointment, got dressed up, went there, and the photographer didn’t show. Signed up again and finally got it taken. The photographer chooses the yearbook pose, but we got 4 proofs and I ordered some copies of wallets to send to grandparents. There are not many photos in the yearbook, and my son said most kids don’t even know about it!</p>

<p>I have to say my husband and I just threw out our 8 Aggie yearbooks having never looked at them in 30 years. Our older daughter just graduated and never bought one nor had her picture taken. Younger daughter will do same. </p>

<p>My yearbooks were all destroyed (with our home, sadly) years ago. Wish I had them. I would love to look up classmates, teammates, members of clubs I was in. Anyway, my boys have them and may enjoy them one day - or may toss them like @83aggie. </p>

<p>The Herff Jones announcements arrived yesterday. They aren’t bad - in fact I think I like them quite well. The paper is very nice quality, and the ATM is nice. The printing on the inside is just typical laser printing - not even pretending to be engraved. But all in all, not a bad product. </p>

<p>I keep waiting for the convocation details to be published, anyone know if it is traditionally morning,afternoon, or evening on Thursday? I’m hoping to plan around it, but running out of time - thanks! </p>

<p>Agmom, the convocation for this past December’s grads was the Thursday evening before graduation. It was at 5:30pm in Rudder. We did not find out the details until maybe 3 weeks before Graduation. </p>

<p>Barfly, glad you like the announcements. The white tri-fold announcements are nicer that the brown (maroon) ones. I was expecting a bit more from a college announcement especially since I had my own from many years ago to compare it to. So it was a big let down to me. </p>

<p>@‌AGmomx2 - From the A&M website:<br>
Commencement Convocation
Thursday, May 8, 5:30 p.m. - Rudder Auditorium
Speaker: The Honorable Todd Staples, Texas Commissioner of Agriculture</p>

<p>Do parents go to this? Do the graduates even go to this? I asked my son and he said that he knows nothing about it, but that his team did win their flag football playoff game. Priorities.</p>

<p>Barfly, yes parents do go to convocation. I went and I was so glad I did. Not everyone goes (graduates and families). If they did, it would probably need to be in Reed Arena or Kyle Field. It was a packed house in December. It was Dr. Loftin’s last speech as the A&M President so, I’m sure that had a lot to do with the amount of people there. </p>

<p>Congratulations to your son winning their playoff game! </p>