Grad school - Electrical

<p>I have 68 % from my under graduation in telecommunication. But i got F grade in 2 subjects which i was able to clear in speculated time.</p>

<p>Co curricular activites - organized events in our college department, and won in dance competition, represented my state in soccer in India.</p>

<p>Then i took 3.3 years of work experience in same field. </p>

<p>So now i have relevant work experience and under graduation degree in telecommunications.</p>

<p>what are my chances of getting into MS in electrical and computer engineering in TOP 15 universites with 312 GRE score??</p>

<p>Thanks all.</p>


You are going to need to convert this to a 4.0-scale GPA for most of us to understand this - I think 68% is pretty good, but I am not sure. The importance of the F’s depends greatly on how related they are to your proposed field of study, and whether or not you retook the classes and received better grades.</p>


Won’t matter at all.</p>


The value of this depends a lot on what you actually did. It won’t hurt you, but probably won’t help unless it challenged you in some meaningful way.</p>


Is there a reason it has to be top 15? And do you mean “university” or “department”? There may be some “top 15” universities with EE departments that will take you, I am not sure if you are really competitive for “top 15” departments without any research.</p>

<p>Your GRE score does not matter as an aggregate - they will mostly care about your quantitative score and will probably want TOEFL for the rest. But 312 is (I think) decent under the new scoring system. It may help to post the percentages instead, for us old guys.</p>

<p>I think your grades are good, I think your GRE is good, you have not mentioned either letters of recommendation (from professors) or research, so I suspect that you will have some trouble… but it is possible. The real issue will be finding a good fit somewhere - I would be surprised if there are more than a few of top 15 ANYTHING that will really match what you want and what you can do.</p>