
<p>How hard are the science programs in terms of grading? Do Pomona students talk about grades?</p>

<p>The science programs are fairly tough, and you won't be coddled. However, the faculty are incredibly approachable, so if you're having problems, you can reach out. Also people in science classes tend to bond together and help each other-- it's not cutthroat. It's a fair and supportive environment, I'd say.</p>

<p>Most Pomona students don't talk that much about grades, though a few do, I guess. Most got straight As in high school, but obviously not everyone can continue to do that in college. That's sometimes hard, but most people don't talk about it that much.</p>

<p>Hope that helps.</p>

<p>Irene, '03</p>

<p>Generally, the harder the class is, the better friends you get to be with the other students you are taking it with, almost as if you are going through it together. As for grades, what I've found is that its incredibly fair, in that, the A is always attainable, you just may have to work to get it.</p>