Graduate admission

Does anyone know how difficult it is to get into the masters program for school pychology ?

What are your grades and GRE?

Asking for my daughter . She hasn’t taken GRE yet but is a good test taker.
SAT was 1900.

GPA 3.65
2 yrs research assistant
Several volunteer opportunities
Psi Chi (national honor society for Pyschology)
Phi Eta Sigma (freshman national honor society over 3.5 GPA)
Study abroad - summer in Spain

Is that also the GPA of her classes in her major?

When will she be taking the GRE?

She needs to further highlight those 2 years as a research ass’t…what that all entailed, etc.

I don’t think it’s as hard to get into the masters program as it may be to get into the PhD program. Why isn’t she applying for the PhD program?

I believe her GPA is higher in Pychology. She will be actually graduating with two Bachelor degrees. She is applying to M.Ed./Ed.S programs.

Oh, so the College of Education, not psychology. Sounds like she wants to be a high school counselor?

I think she’ll be admitted. I don’t think admissions are that difficult for grad school in education as long as you have decent stats. She’s likely fine.

Oops sorry . She’s going for MS/Ed.S to become a school pyschologist - PhD is not needed for this position.

Yes, that’s what I meant. I didn’t mean GC.

It shouldn’t be hard to get in with good stats