For this upcoming application cycle (meaning enrollment fall 2021,) I’m considering applying to a couple of the NYC conservatories – namely, Mannes and MSM.
I know that, as with most stand alone MM programs, there is no sort of specific scholarship number contingent upon acceptance, and that any financial assistance one gets depends primarily on the strength of the application. I’m wondering whether any of you have any info on the scholarship breakdown for MM students at these two schools-- in particular, how common (if present at all) are full tuition scholarships?? again, specifically asking about their composition programs. Thanks !!! 
@songbirdmama pm me too pls!
My D went to a summer program with a lot of VP MSM grad music students. Zero to 50% tuition seemed most common. Rumors of full tuition deals for a few exist. But they seem rare. My D knew a PD student from Germany at IU in her late 20s with a n early career in Europe already in development. She was in the US to work on her English. It was rumored that Juilliard was interested in her. I doubt they would be requesting that she pay anything!!! She returned to Germany as she really didn’t need anymore training.
BTW my D got $0 at MSM. It was her only $0 ever. At another west coast conservatory she got 50% tuition. She got a better offer from a University in the end.
Good luck. Talk with lots of students too. Of course you get lots of rumors but when you keep hearing similar stories, you’re probably getting close to the truth. Note this is VP!!! Other instruments may vary.