<p>How much does the institution in which you completed your undergrad factor into your graduate school application. I will be graduating from UC Berkeley. I feel that the extra work I have done in maintaining my GPA in comparison to other UC schools should be taken into account. Will it?</p>
<p>berkeley is well-respected in many areas, and it is an excellent university at both the undergraduate and graduate level.</p>
<p>but the way you’re phrasing your inquiry seems to hint that students of the “inferior” UCs don’t have to do that much work to keep up their grades. graduate school will be a humbling experience for everyone, no matter your academic pedigree.</p>
<p>it will to some degree, but the way you phrased your question draws 2 things to mind – that you think non-UCB students are less qualified than you (which may or may not be true – remember, other schools may offer opportunities, especially in terms of grad-school-type opportunities, that a large, highly-respected research U simply cannot offer its UGs). That, too me, if it comes out in your interviews (or PS) could be a kiss of death since it might make someone wonder if you’d be arrogant and stand-offish and therefore difficult work with. Secondly, it makes me wonder if you ask b/c your academic record at UCB is a bit on the weak side and therefore you are hoping your “pedigree” will magically waive the problems a weak GPA might cause.</p>
<p>cs61a-wq: “Are you implying that all Universities are equal?”</p>
<p>Reply: Of course not. Different schools are good at different things. That’s why school rankings, both at the professional and word-of-mouth levels, even exist. But even a good school won’t make up for a dismal academic record. I think apumic puts it very well, that in the close-knit world that is academia, you really shouldn’t risk alienating anyone with such opinions.</p>
<p>So…?? Are you looking for prefrential treatment? Wow. That’s not the way to go in the academia. It’s supposed to be the other way around (especially when it comes to applying for TA positions…grrr…)</p>
<p>What counts really are your LORs. And no, having ALL famous profs at UCB to write isn’t going to guarantee you admission, only those who know you the best.</p>
<p>Grad schools know the reputation of many schools and have their own perception of how to evaluate people from each place and that’s not an easy thing to find out because of all the circumstances involved. So let it go. Grad school is going to be just as much work anyway, if not more than what you’ve going through at UCB. You’ll probably just be more prepared to handle a rigorous load but there are plenty of applicants from other UCs who are also hard-workers and can handle the same load as you just fine.</p>