Graduate schools in social work? Any help is much obliged.

<p>Hey everyone, </p>

<p>I am currently applying to some graduate in social work programs and have been sweating bullets about whether or not I'll get in. I'm interested in working with children and famalies and I really want to make a difference, but I'm concerned about whether or not I have the credentials since I just graduated college and have only had a year of human service experience. Here's some of my info.</p>

<p>graduated from UCSB in 3 years. Majored in Sociology, minored in English and Women's Studies. Gpa is 3.64, 3.8 in my major (sociology). </p>

<p>Have been mentoring at risk youth with a non profit, currently an Americorps member.</p>

<p>my GRE scores were OK. above the 50th percentile on both verbal and math. A 5 the analytical portion</p>

<p>I'm applying to the big names: Columbia, NYU, U of Chicago, Berkeley, and U of Michigan. I guess I'd just like to hear some opinions from other people who don't know me (and can therefore tell me I won't get in without feeling bad). I really appreciate any responses. </p>

<p>Much love</p>

<p>Most of the MSW programs listed don’t require GREs. I think you will be competitive for the programs. You have excellent grades and work experience. If you’re interested in dual degree, make sure you gather information on their requirements too. It wouldn’t hurt to work an extra year, but if you’re ready this year (or fall 2009), go for it. It’s all about how you craft your essays.</p>

<p>This is also a new book on careers in social work. It will be released in December 2008:</p>

<p>[101</a> Careers in Social Work - Jessica Ritter, Halaevalu F. Vakalahi, Mary Kiernan-Stern - Springer Publishing](<a href=“]101”></p>

<p>I think you should be fine with those credentials. I’m at one of the schools on your list, and I had similar stats to you (we both did Americorps right after graduation, for example), except that I had additional year of experience in the field, and your GPA is higher than mine was. My GRE scores, which were required for a couple of the programs I applied to, were also in the 50-60 percentile and a 5 writing. I got into all three of the highly ranked programs where I applied.</p>

<p>Just make sure you spend time on your essays and get some great recs, and I think you’ll get into a top school. If for some reason you don’t, you can always get more relevant experience in the field and reapply the following year.</p>

<p>It’s only a few data points but I have three friends who did an MSW. None of them had GPA’s as high as yours, all did Americorps and all have work experience in social work (less than two years). One went to Univ of Wisconsin, one to Univ of Denver and one to Colorado State Univ. Hope this was of some help.</p>

<p>you guys are great. Thank you for the honesty and support</p>

<p>I am currently enrolled in a MSW program and now I am currently applying to the doctoral program. I think you will do just fine. The application process and requirements is less rigorous than other master programs. I think you will do just fine. I did horrible in my undergraduate years. My saving grace was my work experience probably.</p>

<p>Plus I showed the department that I was adamant and determined to get accepted. Now I am back at again with the doctoral program. I hate that I have to take the GRE’s and resurface my undergraduate transcript. I have to take the GRE’s again because I sucked miserably the first time. So hopefully my saving grace this time will be my personal statement, recommendations, social analysis paper, and research experience.</p>

<p>Oh wait this is not about me…back to you!</p>

<p>You will do fine! Best Wishes! </p>

<p>Oh and I was not accepted into a sucky program. The program I was accepted into is ranked top 13 in the US…so I know you will do GREAT! </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>