Graduate voice teacher recommendations?

I’m a 22-year-old coloratura soprano just finishing a BM in voice performance this fall, and I will be applying to graduate school in the coming year. I plan to pursue a master’s degree in vocal studies/opera, but am also interested in composition and performing new music. I’m looking for a school specializing in opera and contemporary/avant-garde music that will allow me to be as well-rounded as possible regardless of my official degree. I know composition and performance are both very competitive fields (especially since I’m “another dang soprano,” haha) and I want to come out of grad school prepared to take advantage of any opportunities that come my way!

With all of this said, I know that the most important factor in picking a school is a voice teacher I connect well with. I also know that’s something I can only really figure out for myself, but I would greatly appreciate any advice to narrow down who I take sample lessons with (especially since a lot of traveling will be involved).

Thanks for any help you can give…