I’m graduating soon and I was wondering if anyone have any ideas on how to celebrate as a homeschooled student.My mother wants to ask one of the schools in our district could I walk on stage with the students of the school but I don’t think that would be possible. Anyway could anyone tell me how they celebrated their graduation?
Thank you
Are there any other homeschoolers in your area? Do you attend any homeschool co-ops or anything? If so, maybe they have a homeschool graduation service (conducted just like a public school’s). My area surprisingly has a lot of homeschool students (upstate NY). We have a couple different homeschool graduation services, varying in size (many different homeschool soccer leagues and homeschool proms, too). A lot of churches have graduation services for any students as well. I don’t know of any homeschoolers around here graduating with a public school.
Do you know any other homeschool seniors? What are they doing for graduation? Could you maybe graduate together-you could order homeschool diplomas from HSLDA (or, if you do an online school or boxed curriculum, maybe they could send you one)?
Alternatively, you could skip some form of formal service and just have a graduation party to celebrate your accomplishments with family and friends. If you have a diploma, your mom could present it to your there.
Good luck and congrats!
No, I’m not apart of any homeschooling co-op but I will look into that. Thank you for the advice.
You have a great opportunity to design your own graduation ceremony! Do not think of it as a lonely experience. Think of what you want, and who you want to be there with you.
The first homeschool graduation we went to was for one graduate. The family invited family and friends. They asked ahead of time for volunteers who knew the graduate to stand up and speak at the ceremony. Some of the speakers were encouraging, some were speaking about how to grow into a godly man (this was s Christian family) and some gave challenges for the future.
After the service there was a reception with snacks and drinks.
It was a very intimate evening, and could not have happened with multiple graduates.