Great books to write about??

<p>I'm applying to a few colleges that require me to submit an essay of one book I read in my senior yr. and I've read a lot!! but I don't know which book to choose, anyone have any suggestions?</p>

<p>Catcher in the Rye or Fountainhead</p>

<p>1) what is the purpose of the question? To see your ability to choose a “great book”</p>

<p>2) it seems like you’re off to a very rocky start.</p>

<p>My suggestion: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey</p>

<p>Um… how about if you list what you read this year, and people could express an opinion on why it is a great book? Vs. we list great books and you go get the Cliff Notes…</p>

<p>The Art of Racing in the Rain for two reasons. One, great book! Second, it’s a great message about choosing not to give in to adversity and creating your own destiny. I do recommend you actually read it though to get the true message. It is a really quick read.</p>

<p>Write about the book you enjoyed the most, that you found most meaningful or that made you think the most. You can’t just choose a book that you think will look impressive on an application. Adcoms will see right through that.</p>

<p>It isn’t about the book! It is about you and how well you express yourself in the essay. Pick any book for which you can write a great essay.</p>

<p>Don’t do the the Fountainhead or CITR. A lot of people do.</p>

<p>The great gatsby</p>

<p>I don’t understand how I’m supposed to answer the question when you didn’t say the books you read. You’ll look like an idiot writing about a book you never read when you go on an interview and they talk about it.</p>