Great facility for those going into engineering/ID/Art

<p>A VT engineering friend of mine told me about a new facility that just opened up this spring that he thought my s had used. I thought he was referring to the state of the art engineering building that will be opening later. Turns out he was talking about a new million dollar foundry for engineers, industrial design, arch and art students. </p>

<p>They are really developing and building some great places for those students to "get their hands dirty" and do hands on work. Just thought I would pass on the information to anyone interested:</p>

<p>Virginia</a> Tech opens new foundry for students in engineering, art, and architecture | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>I was involved with VTFire, the place you are talking about. I never got to see it in use but I worked on some of the casting simulations that went into planning the facility. It’s a fantastic thing to have, especially if you’re MSE.</p>

<p>Hi chuy, how are you? :slight_smile: From the link, it seems that this building was built due to a generous MSE engineeering alum (and decorated WWII vet) John Kroehling seeing a need for a new complete building to replace a lab that was in the basement of Whittemore Hall. </p>

<p>I liked this quote from Dean Benson, "“What our students do in design and manufacturing, just making things, is just really quite rare. … There are a few small foundry operations to be found at other schools, but there’s nothing to compare to the scale of what we have here.” </p>

<p>The equipment in the new foundry building will closely match the high-tech equipment that students likely will find themselves using upon entry into the metal casting and related industries.</p>

<p>For Arch and Design and art students it is an awesome asset to have as well. Pretty cool stuff.</p>

<p>The equipment in there is better than at either of the steel plants I worked at, from a precision standpoint anyway. But yeah, the building fits in perfectly with VTs reputation for applied engineering.</p>