Greek Life?

<p>D went down last week to get moved in and settled before work week started today. I am anxiously awaiting Day 1 report…what an exciting time!!! For those of you who will be making the trek down for Recruitment next week “Good luck” and remember to maximize your options and keep an open mind during the process. When D started out she had some “preconceived” ideas about houses and really had her mind set on one in particular. My how her tune changed as the week went on. For those of you who are nervous so are the girls on the other side…remember they want you to like them as much as you want them to like you . There are many of us here rooting for you…don’t hesitate to chime in next week…keep us all posted on how it’s going. Good luck also to the actives…these ladies will put in a long week this week getting ready for Recruitment and a long week the nest week as the process unfolds. And hey there mommas…hang in there…yep it’s a stressful week…we all went through it with our D’s so our thoughts and prayers are with ya’ll ( we will have a glass of wine or two in solidarity) and if you need a sounding board you know where to find us! Can’t wait to see the bid day lists…I have quite a few you ladies I wrote recs for so will be anxiously awaiting to s see where they find their letters. I will be down at Mizzou the week that Bama has Recruitment helping my chapter with their Recruitment but will keep checking in.</p>

<p>Just saw on the Greek message board that 1724 girls have registered for recruitment so far. There are still 4 days left to register. This breaks last year’s record, which was 1704 I think.</p>

<p>Normally 88-90% of the girls that register will receive bids. Most that do not get bids drop out before preference night. Some will be dropped due to low high school gpa, or lack of recommendations from alumna. Last year many of the houses took quota additions to achieve house total in anticipation of Delta Gamma colonizing this fall. They may not be able to give those this year. Last year’s quota was 83 (or 84, can’t remember) + 8 upperclass. Not all the houses take the upperclass quota by choice. About half the houses took more girls than quota to achieve house total.</p>

<p>The DG colony will rush after formal rush concludes, and will pledge girls from Freshman to Senior. What a great opportunity for upperclass women to join a fabulous national organization. The DG house will be spectacular and should be finished by start of school next year. </p>

<p>83+ girls is a huge pledge class. I hope UA brings several more sororities on campus in the future to make the class size more manageable.</p>

<p>Good luck to the PNM’s, actives, advisors, and parents. My advice is to get those recs in if you don’t have them, and keep an open mind as you visit each house.</p>

<p>I agree with keeping an open mind.</p>

<p>The house that your mom or sister belonged to on another campus may not be the same and may not be right for you at Bama. </p>

<p>And, a house can change over the years…so a house at Bama in 2005 may not be the “same” as that house is now. </p>

<p>When I was in college, there was one house that was not considered very desirable. When my baby sister went to the same college 8 years later, that house had become quite popular…and that’s where she pledged. I was totally ok with that since I know how houses can change.</p>

<p>UA’s plan is to bring on 2 more sororities. I imagine that the 4 new houses will have to be finished and the sororities moved into them - which will be in about a year - before the new groups come on.
I just checked the list - 1,736 registered. This is joggling up and down a bit right now as girls are making final decisions on whether or not to rush…I even heard from one who decided to go to a different school entirely!
It’s the biggest sorority recruitment in the country!</p>