Greetings! Some questions about everything, all help appreciated

<p>Hello, I'm new to this forum but I've been looking around and it seems like there's a fantastic amount of information here. </p>

<p>Basically I'm looking for an appraisal of how realistic my goals are. I'm currently in the Lower 6th Form (Year 12 of 13) at an independent school in the UK. I spent five years at a different high school where I achieved the following GCSE grades:</p>

<p>GCSE English Literature A*
GCSE English Language A*
IGCSE Mathematics A
GCSE History A*
GCSE Latin A*
GCSE French A*
GCSE German A*
GCSE Dual Award Science A<em>/A</em> (Counts as two GCSEs, entails study of Biology, Chemistry and Physics)</p>

<p>After doing my GCSEs I studied in a Public High-School in Massachusetts for the last year, since I recieved no real 'credit' for this I was effectively given free range of the classes I took. I went alone, as an exchange student, and stayed with two familes for half the year each. I was forced to take a Sophomore level US History class, in addition to that I took two accelerated History classes, Level 3 German, and a Robotics Programming course that also contributed to my GPA. </p>

<p>My GPA for my year at this highschool was 3.71. I studied as a Junior. </p>

<p>Now I'm back in the UK studying at a different high school taking A Levels in: History, Politics, Classical Civilization and Latin. In all of these classes I'm predicted A grades at AS level, I would hope to achieve A grades at A-Level also.</p>

<p>I still have all of this year of high school left, and of course next year in addition to that. I would be applying to join an American College in Fall 2010. </p>

<p>I intend to take the SAT either late this school year (May or June) or early next (school) year, in October, potentially, but definitely before 2010. Have people here taken the SAT in the UK? Are all of the dates listed on the college board website available in the UK as well as at testing sites in the USA?</p>

<p>I'm intending to apply for certain to the University of Chicago, I'm not sure where else yet, any advice on schools with majors in Medieval History or International Relations are greatly appreciated. </p>

<p>With the above grades, and a 'reasonable' SAT score, I would hope to achieve somewhere above 2200, would it be possible for me to study at the UoC? I would definitely be seeking financial aid as $50,000+ a year is beyond my family's means.</p>

<p>That's a really long post, I apologise. </p>

<p>All help is appreciated! </p>


<p>Didn’t you already apply to oxbridge? Trust me it’s waaay better than US!</p>

<p>UChicago is not out of the question for you, definitely. Your grades are fine, I’ll venture and say your class rank will be fine. Teacher recs should be fine though.</p>

<p>I’m more concerned about your Extracurriculars and Essays. Those aren’t necessary (except for one personal statement) for UK admission, but <strong>are</strong> the defining points for admissions to competitive schools, especially essays for Uchicago.</p>

<p>Asking for financial aid is a disadvantage, but I say Uchicago is not out of the question. Though, like post #2, I’m gonna ask why you don’t want to go to school at Oxford or Cambridge. </p>

<p>About SAT test dates: [SAT</a> Dates - SAT Test Dates and Registration Deadlines](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Dates and Deadlines – SAT Suite | College Board)
It is offered in the UK in October, November, December, January, May, and June. [not offered in March]</p>

<p>Thanks guys. I’m not intending to apply to Oxbridge, I just don’t understand the attraction of it. I hear the arguments about being ‘made’ if you go to Oxbridge, and things like that, but it isn’t enough for me. After my year of studying in MA I’ve realised the US is the place I want to be, and that’s not to mention my girlfriend (still in MA) has a double legacy at Chicago. We’re both applying to colleges on either side of the Atlantic to make sure we get into somewhere together. In addition to that UoC offers a lot in the area I want to focus on, history.</p>

<p>About extra-curricular stuff, I omitted that from the above but here’s the stuff I’m likely to include in any essays, purely in list form here:</p>

<p>I’ve performed in several plays throughout my years of high-school.
I’ve worked on Tech for dozens more plays and shows, both as a cameraman, lighting man and sound guy.
I’ve represented my first high school in Rugby and Swimming. I play badminton on a weekly basis and have done for several years.
I play bass guitar, and have a keen interest in musical theory which I pursue in my own time.
I have contributed to the school newspaper(s) on numerous occasions, writing in a variety of styles about various topics.
In addition to all of that I attend several societies at school, History, Classics, Russian Literature, Archaeology.
I also learn Mandarin Chinese in addition to my usual schooling.
I’m also a school prefect with the responsibility of keeping the school IT room running smoothly at lunchtimes and breaks.</p>

<p>That’s all a rather dull list at the moment, but I could definitely bring it to life in a personal statement/whatever essays I need to write.</p>

<p>With all of that included, how are my chances looking now?</p>

<p>ps Thanks for the info about the SAT, it’s a big help.</p>

<p>Oxbridge is way cheaper for EU citizens, how about that? ;)</p>

<p>Sorry, but I’m still not sold :stuck_out_tongue: Oxbridge may be way cheaper, may get me a job for life and loads of money in the long term, but I’d still rather go to Chicago! lol </p>

<p>Might I presume with the pushing of Oxbridge that all of the above might give me some small chance of getting to UoC? Or should I retreat to applying to do Media Studies at Manchester University?</p>



<p>Quite the contrary, I think your chances of getting into UoC are actually higher than getting into Oxbridge. It’s just that some of us cannot understand why one would pay, i don’t know, 35,000 US dollars/year to go to school in the U.S when you can go to Oxbridge or some lower ranked UK university for slightly over 3,000 pounds/year! Maybe you come from a wealthy family, who knows.</p>

<p>I certainly don’t come from a wealthy family, I’d be applying for financial aid for any American college that I want to apply to! </p>

<p>Apparently I’m just completely out of whack when it comes to what the best idea would be, and what I want to do. Oxbridge has never really appealed to me as somewhere to study, and that’s a matter of taste not a reflection on either University of course.</p>