<p>Praise from Huffington Post article albeit posted last May at end of article on "Admission Madness": </p>
<p>". . . I do want to leave you with a little ray of happiness, though, so consider a story that got not one-hundredth of the exposure the fake-student story got. Tiny Grinnell College, in tiny Grinnell, Iowa, is one of those impressive small liberal arts colleges that college fashionistas ignore because, well, it's in Iowa and it isn't part of the Ivy League. </p>
<p>But if an institution can have a conscience, Grinnell is in a league of its own: This year the class of 1960 celebrates its 50-year reunion - in part, by helping to pay down the college debt amassed by the graduating class of 2010. The school's financial aid department identifies high-need students who've distinguished themselves, and the alumni donations are applied to current-year financial aid, both federal and institutional loans. </p>
<p>Every year, graduates get a hand from graduates who preceded them by half a century. Fifty years from now, the class of 2010 will return the favor and help out the class of 2060. . ."</p>