<p>This may be the last day some of us ever log on to the penn forum [if this is you, farewell :(]. Some may be deferred and will have to wait nervously until April. Others may be accepted into Penn and might meet the faces behind these usernames. This is the final day. dun…dun…dun…(sorry to be dramatic)</p>
<p>Whatever your decision is, know that everything happens for a reason.
Good luck to everyone!</p>
December 13, 2005, 9:46pm
<p>(hug under button)</p>
<p>What? That's appropriate!</p>
December 13, 2005, 10:03pm
<p>i'll make my sentimental thread in a little while</p>
<p><em>hugs sadly</em></p>
<i just="" want="" all="" the="" deferralings="" to="" remember="" there's="" still="" a="" chance=""></i></p><i just="" want="" all="" the="" deferralings="" to="" remember="" there's="" still="" a="" chance="">
<p>Eeekh, so it all boils down to this</p>
December 13, 2005, 10:07pm
<p>I'm at Penn and I'm nervous for tomorrow too (Damn econ finals). </p>
<p>Anyways, good luck to you all.</p>
<p>good thoughts, and good things to all of you, too.</p>
<p>good luck guys! :D I'm kind of nervous myself- who knows, maybe I could see you all next year! :p</p>
December 13, 2005, 10:41pm
<p>ok bongo.. get it straight.. you dont hug under the button unless youre a sissy.. the button is for manlier activities</p>
December 13, 2005, 10:45pm
<p><em>defferal hug</em></p>
<p><em>hugs</em> good luck everyone!!! ahh!! 20 hours i can't believe it... i just wanna sleep til 7</p>
<p>As the main parent on this board, HUGS to all of you. I hope we can all meet next fall at move-in. Wild Child himself wishes all of you good luck. 1 more day to suffer.</p>
<p>hmmm... no... not for me... 2 more days... 2!</p>
<p>xoxo to you all!</p>
<p>^makes me sound like a girl :(</p>
December 13, 2005, 11:32pm
<p>hahhaha xoxo hahhaah</p>
<p><em>hugs everyone in sight</em></p>
<p><em>hugs</em> i wish you guys all the best of luck!! you all deserve it!</p>
December 14, 2005, 1:36am
<p><em>tear</em> <em>huggles</em> hehe... GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!</p>
<p>Good luck Penn 2010! From the Yale EA board. I have a friend from my school applying early to penn so i'm rootin for him.</p>
<p>I hope everyone can do a real hug in PENN</p>