Group me

Hi I’m from buffalo New York and I just got accepted!! I’m so excited! I was wondering if someone could possibly add me to the group me that was started? My username is elyse ponterio!

I was accepted ED and the moment I got in was a feeling like no other! It even beat a state title in football! Absolutely glorious! Currently, the group me temporaraly full at 200 members. The limit can be raised by the admin of the group by emailing group me and asking to expand the group. However, the admin is at a church retreat without her phone and will not be back until the weekend. As soon as I can we will get you group me but for now check out the class of 2021 Facebook page and introduce yourself! Enjoy this moment, you only get it once! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much!

I’m pretty sure anyone can contact group me to expand it. A few months ago I was part of a GroupMe where someone besides the admin asked for the expansion.

Hmmm that’s odd. You may be right but I’m just going by what the people said in the groupme. I’ll try and ask in the morning.

According the the admin, it should be fixed by tomorrow. If I was not in the group yet and I was waiting on this, I know I would be very antsy. I’ll make sure you get added asap.

Alright it looks like people can be added again so text me at 615-473-3744 cause I think I need your number to add you.

How do I get into the groupme

How do we join the groupme? Did the school send an email?

Send me a text. My number is above. I’ll get you in tomorrow morning.

Hi I was accepted early action, and I was wondering if someone could add me to the group me too? My username is Skylar miller

Can someone add me?

Hey I was wondering how to join the groupme as well.

@andrewglo3 yes but text me your name and number 615-473-3744