guess what!?

and the

<p>Cordially invite you to a breakfast with</p>

<p>Professor Ross Brann
Chair of Cornell's Department of Near Eastern Studies and our foremost expert in the area;
Professor and Dean of Alice Cook House, a new living and learning center on West Campus;
and the Milton R. Konvitz Professor of Judeo-Islamic Studies.</p>

<p>Professor Brann will give us a brief campus update and describe life in the new living/learning centers. He will also take questions/lead discussion about the current situation in the Middle East."</p>

<p>how cool is that?</p>

<p>has anyone else received letters or emails about events in their area related to their intended study? i'm very excited!</p>

<p>I haven't, but that must be really cool...</p>

<p>Chicken butt!</p>

<p>lol you nerd.</p>

<p>I try, I try . . .</p>

<p>Be proud, you can look forward to having dinner with a professor at Cornell while I'm going to get rejected :(</p>

<p>You can lie down and be rejected, but I'll fight until I'm accepted! Unless I get into Brown. Then I'll let Cornell reject me all it wants and I won't care.</p>

<p>Brown > Cornell??</p>

<p>yeah, no kidding.</p>

<p>but more to the point...this is Cornell University, not cornell college?</p>

<p>i know. stupid Q</p>