Guild of Bumpers

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I realise that you are very very keen on bumping threads right now :D Some bumping messages by you are very creative and even reach the level of artistic sayings, e.g: "Wow, this thread is really old. Bump ^^" :D</p>

<p>Let's group together and organise a corps to co-ordinate our working :D</p>

<p>The first event of the freshly born Guild of Bumpers by participating in the competition: "Who is the most artistic bumper" :D</p>

<p>Go, Bumpers! Just do it! :D</p>

<p><em>cannot stop laughing while making up the thread</em></p>

<p>hey, a pretty good idea</p>

<p>Oh my ;alskjdf;aslkjg;ahuwoghsc,mnzbvlsaf</p>

<p>why the f did he f-ing bump that thread all the way back to the top again?</p>

<p>lol thank you ipsen1985</p>

<p>yea someone must think :D</p>

<p>let me get this straight:
I get to increase my post count for making random posts and NOT get ridiculed for it, AND I get that warm fuzzy feeling knowing I'm doing something right?</p>

<p>Well I think I just did it :-)</p>

<p>Yeah... it's for a cause :p</p>

<p>just make sure yuo dont post on the "forbidden" thread...</p>

<p>i wanna post on the forbidden thread! please!</p>

<p>Haha, very honest explanation, Frank :D</p>

<p>What is your reason joining this guild, the rest of you? :D</p>

<p>your quote from my post ha! and I'm now a junior member wheeeeeeee!!!</p>

<p>STRATEGY 1 - bump posts on other pages rather than on page 1... that's more effective.</p>

<p>STRATEGY 2 - dont reply to bumps.</p>

<p>STRATEGY 3 - dont mention the 'forbidden' thread.</p>

<p>Good job bumpers!</p>

<p>STRATEGY 4- create new threads.</p>

<p>for example, if we each created a new thread, the forbidden thread would be wayy down. Also, dont post on the forbidden thread just to ask it to be removed. It will be eventually.</p>

<p>You are of no fun, Merc :D We just bump, no Strategy :D It is now the qualification round for the guild :D</p>

<p>Rule of the Competition: the more diligent you are, the more points you earn :D Which means if you could dig up a thread from 11-2004, then you earn some more pts :D</p>

<p>Scale: this month's thread has 0 pt. Every one-month-older thread adds 5pts to your bumping level :D</p>

<p>Go go :D</p>

<p>lol ipsen :p</p>

<p>GOOD JOB GUYS!!</p>

<p>We did it.</p>

<p>Yep. Now hushhhhh.</p>

<p>Okay, when you are satisfied, we are to finalise the competition, let's count how many pts each of you has earned :D No thread counting is allowed :D</p>

<p>will someone call CC mods? (574) 258-6000</p>

<p>just wondering if it's worth it... i cant coz my phone doesnt have intl long dist.</p>

<p>It would be international call for me, too :(</p>