GW Application Essay

I’m applying to Political Communication and it gives the option of submitting a graded essay for writing intensive programs. Should I submit it? If I should, what type of essay is best to submit? Mainly for school, I’ve done research papers and argumentative essays. This year for AP Lit we’ve been doing a lot of AP test practice essays that deal with analyzing literature. Any advice please!

If you’re a strong writer, I’d definitely submit something. If you’re unsure, you can speak with your AP Lit teacher or even a trusted school counselor. Your best writing won’t necessarily be the highest grade (although hopefully that’s the case), so pick whichever paper you think best reflects your strengths and/or interests.

Consult with your school counselor as this isn’t a topic of expertise… But since you’re applying to a major that is writing intensive, it would be worth your time to submit a quality writing sample. Not to mention that merely submitting anything that’s optional is often interpreted as you showing how interested in the school you really are.