GWU 2022 RD Chance Me!

Top 10% of 400 students
3.7 UW 4.48 W
Test Optional
National Honors Society
National Science Honors Society
Tri M Music Honors Society
Spanish Honors Society
AP Scholar
Vietnamese Maryland Academic Excellence Award in 11gd
Minds in Motion Award 9-10gd
Dual Enrollment student at community college in 12gd (English 101 and 102)
Took 7 AP classes

375 service hours - MCPS Superintendent Service Award
Girl Scouts 9-12 gd, Gold Award
Red Cross Leadership Committee 10-12gd
Dance Marathon Leadership Committee 10-12gd
Hospital Summer Internship 11-12gd
JV Cheerleading 9-10gd, captain in 10gd
Part Time Jobs:
Chipotle in 11gd
Sushi Store, Kumon, Holiday Season Job in 12gd

I am applying to the School of Business, finance major! Please let me know your thoughts!

You seem to have some stand-out numbers with plenty of solid ECs to back them up - I’d say you have a pretty good shot! Best of luck!

I agree with @camberfoil that you’ve got very good stats. I think if your essay is solid and you’ve done enough to show interest that you have a great chance at acceptance.