<p>having recently turned 18,and being a college student, its about time i start looking for a job, hardcore,you know</p>
<p>anyway, aside from my interview etiquette , vernacular,gesticulations, attire etc, which im fairly confident i have down well, do you think the length of my hair will really matter to an employer.........its about a rough 4.5 inches, well kept up with and can easily be prevented from impairing my vision, so i don't think it'll be a problem</p>
<p>my old job(fabrication shop work) rendered hair length rather unacknowledged, but since i'm looking for work that's more college hour friendly than that, i imagine my next job will be quite different</p>
<p>obviously it will be a matter of opinion of the employer in question, but i imagine the general concensus is relative ambivalence, though obviously , from my posting here, i seek to know your opinions as well</p>